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Atlanta, GA (July 12 - 14th)
This was our first out of state road trip since 2014 and only our second overall. The worries were there: had all our previous success been due to us being "local talent"? With a glimmer in our eye and confidence in our hearts we rode into Atlanta with one main goal. Make people smile.
Friday was a bit slow. Not just sales wise, but floor traffic. The first three hours were fairly busy but then show traffic seemed to come to a halt. We began to wonder if maybe Atlanta wasn't a big draw. We've heard so much about Dragon Con...could it be that this Con wasn't going to be as successful? We started to worry until Saturday.
All worries were gone. Saturday was massive! A huge turnout and we capitalized on it. So much that we smashed our one day sales record! We were told by numerous people that they had seen our book being carried around by many convention attendees. Our goal had been reached. We made people smile. We also proved that Hafu and Show Me Comics were not just some "local talent". Maybe, just maybe...we have something special ;)

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